Sunday, September 29, 2024

Donkeys Talk Golf

 We’re living in a world where politics is a joke 

And World peace is a marketing strategy 

there’s donkeys talking about golf while children are dying, 

generational trauma is being provoked as an occurrence so normal 

kindness becomes your weakness 

And speaking up is only an option for those who’s bank accounts run deeper than the voice of the collective 

Helplessness is a feeling being caught for free 

Unlike the food banks and hospitals, while a nation prospers by booming bombs in billions

I don’t talk about politics, maybe because being right doesn’t matter

The truth won’t suffice and families will bleed 

My voice won’t be enough for those who didn’t get a chance at life 

Greed can be so strong, it makes love feel like a far fetched dream unable to be grasped, while it slips through my fingers 

I stand here frustrated, grateful for what I have

There’s children dying 

what purpose do I wake up for? 

Day in day out 

Stocks and deaths, climbing up 

We’re singing and dancing and we’re supposed to forget 

That humans can be so sick, some wish I’d never met 

My brain is like a washing machine, on a perpetual cycle, I circumvent 

While they wear flashy clothes and display they worth, 

I drink my beer

And drink it slow 

Because now I know, that they’re  full of shit and so much fear 

We’re no where near 

Where I’d like to be 

In a world full of pain 

While joy is a 2 minute stop in this fucking fast life train 

So when you go and lie in bed and sleep 

all you have, is being longed for 

Your freedom, your body, your breath 

that you so frivolously take for free 

Thursday, July 20, 2023


 Warm drops drip 

Thoughts running this trip 

All day and night 

My one true rite  

I’m alone in this space 

With a mind of a maze

Don’t know start to end

It’s all in a bend 

Squeezed in between 

I’ve forgotten to dream 

And I’m lying on the floor 

Starting at a knob on the door 

I’m stuck

Legs held in this muck 

And I’m falling through

No hands to hold on to 

It’s all black, and space is spare 

If only to live I’d dare 

Would I see the light 

With all my might 

And pull myself up

Out of this self-fuck-up,

We call a life 

Full of strife 

With a few happy days 

While the stars hold my gaze 

And the moon shines away 

Until the sun brings a brand new, fucked up day 

(This one is for giving space to all the negative thoughts just as much we aspire to hold positive ones) 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Dark Challenger

 I got about $20 in my pocket 

We’re bound to think: fuck it 

God I know, in this very moment 

I want to see you, and not be distant 

I’m walking and I stop at the lights,

And wish you were with me, hugging me tight

So I could patiently look into your eyes

While you look into mine 

Now I remember I’m just dreaming 

Or maybe I’m manifesting us singing 

everything doesn’t seem to be much of a bother

your soft palm in my hand, I imagine us like no other

Now I know, that you and I, we understand

That life is too short, and unplanned 

We’re young and way too smart 

To not know that, we’re nothing but art 

There is no secret key, 

It’s just you and me

Melting into each other’s souls 

And onto those calm, quiet strolls 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 Sick of life

Don’t know what this is

Feels like fire on a knife

Feels like some slow long dizz

Geez how’d I get here

God why do I care

When all is mere

And all is snare
Fuck this shit

I’ll say what I’ll say

You’ll hear what you’ll hear

Because blood isn’t thick

And the stars don’t stick

While the moon falls down

On this evil heaven we call earth

I'll be here and ponder

how being alive is a wonder

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


This broken heart lays on the floor
 did I love too less, or more?
These aches,  they don't go away
Tears rolling down, "help me God" I pray
How did this happen to my heart
This breakup, was a mess of art
I feel nothing but lost 
Was the effort worth the cost?
Our last kiss is a stolen memory 
While intimate moments become history 
"Let's be friends" she said 
I thought,  "I'd rather be, dead"
But que séra séra, such is, indeed 
while to life, I pay heed
The sun decides to shine everyday 
And so will I, someday, one day, 
...but not today
Today is just not the day
Tomorrow though 
In my soul, will I know 
That I never needed anyone
And be glad that we're done

-Aditi Shetty.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

One-way ladder

Cold sweats 
Deep breaths 
Shivers run down my spine 
Fears exposed and entwine 
I tell myself, "one day at a time"
Survival earned by the hourly dime
Friends and strangers seem alike
Futile Instagram trends on spike
What's the point anyway?
It's all forgotten by the end of the day 
While souls hunting for purpose in bars
Attempting to alcoholize the void of their scars
The unacceptable doom of humanity
we are what we need, there is no path to sanity
Yes, you fool, we are all mad 
What else can we be, in a world so profusely sad?

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


If fishes flew and birds swam 
and humans were dead, instead of being rammed
While the full moon serves a spotlight 
For all of humanity's plight 
will we give a damn
when a calf is pulled from her mothers pram
will we wince away when 
innocent lives are snatched from comforting dens 

Just take a moment, take a moment to think
about what we do just to eat flesh and drink their milk
why? why are we so apathetic 
We fail so miserably in our ethics
So fuck it all 
Break the rules 
Slam your cars 
Until we're all just dead and numb
and animals can have the earth to themselves, and not succumb

-Aditi Shetty.

Donkeys Talk Golf

 We’re living in a world where politics is a joke  And World peace is a marketing strategy  there’s donkeys talking about golf while childre...