Monday, January 14, 2019


Get- give

Learn- teach

Achieve- sacrifice

Commit- adjust

When will we begin to place ourselves first?

When we understand that true joy emanates from the intangible

What is given could also be created within

Why do we exhaust our kindness for those who merely don't matter

Why are we consumed by the thoughts of not receiving the love we must simply create for ourselves

Reciprocation is a two way street

If you're not met half way, you might as well walk by yourself

wander alone, find yourself by exploring what's on the outside

Reflect on how you perceive,  instead of setting an idle gaze

Change is unprecedented, inevitable;
Subconscious of a sort

Instead of seeking
Let go
And let the universe surprise!

-Aditi Shetty


We give up on love for a reason

We don't need to be exhausted and consumed by the heaviness of a broken heart

We don't need to feel heartbreak to know what true love is

love should come easy, leaving us exalted

love is purely benevolent, but we choose to perceive it as dichotomous

love doesn't have any negatives, those negatives that we fallaciously imbibe in our thoughts

Life is what we make it, and the universe never fails to provide

Instead of running behind love,
Cease! And cherish the moments that you ignore effortlessly

Why comprehend the ironically undefinable love?
Why can't we let love, just be?

-Aditi Shetty

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Eyes kill
Smiles tease
Hearts cry
Minds in delirium
The odysseys of walking corpses
Dire, dead, numb
Awaiting the precarious
Behaving thick skinned
Frivolous, beyond limit
The universe admonished,
"Eureka! Human extinction"
Salvation of abundance unveiled,
Minds present
Hearts cherish
Smiles converse
Eyes glisten
Mankind revived.

-Aditi Shetty.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


And I cry through the smile on my face

I laugh from my heart, broken into copious pieces

My eyes glisten, remembering the moments lost

And my body sways, dancing to the  inevitable catastropheis

My conscious doesn't forget,

The pain that spears in my soul

Still,I laugh and chant

C'est la vie,

C'est la vie.

-Aditi Shetty

Friday, January 4, 2019


Frivolous beings
Looking for the one

The stars are many
Like beauty and mind in harmony

Love isn't a game, lost or won
No such thing as 'The One'

Self-love, quintessential of valour and wisdom
Yet we are blinded by pseudo pleasures

Mother, teach me more
Transform my spiritual core

Show me your colors, stark
The red that shines even in the dark

The red that bleeds withing us,
Not blood, but love.

-Aditi Shetty

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Why do we unsee the darkness
To cherish the tentative joys of lust?

Why does our heart give in
To the mind that plays slyly?

Why don't we question ourselves now,
'what is the purpose of my universe?'

Why do we forget?
Being successful is wordplayed as being happy

Life presents copious choices
Whose consequences seldom defeat us

Take the risk,
Win impends joy
Loss rewards wisdom.

-Aditi Shetty.


Cherish the evanescent moments of magic
Laugh of the delusioned tragic
Life offers in abundance
But how unyielding can one be?
Greed of entirety emanates phantoms
But simplicity dominates above all
Everything is nothing, if we have no one; they say
Let them eyes, glisten at a glance of God given love
The love that is admonished by
oblivious to the living
Love,sidelined among the midst of standard human mindsets
Forget the stories told and make your own
Open wide your tender heart,
To the evanescent moments of magic
Laugh off the delusioned tragic.

-Aditi Shetty

Healing, failing, & Healing Again

  Sl eeping, as you breath on my back  Your body bends to meet mine, now-nothing I lack Every curve slowly caresses my skin Emotions moving ...