Monday, January 14, 2019


Get- give

Learn- teach

Achieve- sacrifice

Commit- adjust

When will we begin to place ourselves first?

When we understand that true joy emanates from the intangible

What is given could also be created within

Why do we exhaust our kindness for those who merely don't matter

Why are we consumed by the thoughts of not receiving the love we must simply create for ourselves

Reciprocation is a two way street

If you're not met half way, you might as well walk by yourself

wander alone, find yourself by exploring what's on the outside

Reflect on how you perceive,  instead of setting an idle gaze

Change is unprecedented, inevitable;
Subconscious of a sort

Instead of seeking
Let go
And let the universe surprise!

-Aditi Shetty


Donkeys Talk Golf

 We’re living in a world where politics is a joke  And World peace is a marketing strategy  there’s donkeys talking about golf while childre...