Friday, June 12, 2020

Fortnight's one third

Blood bleeds
And my emotions plead 
mind is confused 
Soul- an absconding muse 
What questions do I ask?
Thoughts are dark, when I wear my mask
But arrives the omnipotent love
Smiling at yellow sky above 
She tells me it's time, 
"Move on, don't live on her dime"
"Who are you?", I ask as a fool 
She says,
"I'm Love darling, it's your turn to swoon"
I flick my hair and trot ahead,
Ego gets to my head
Then I look back at her,
And she's singing instead 
I ask, "Why are you here, what's even your power?" 
She smiles, says nothing, and gives me a flower
I look back again, she's gone
But then I realise-
She was Love, for whom we long
I gaze at her flower,
Crushed in my fist, the past hour 
Then my fingers let go
As I cry in joy and emotions flow

-Aditi Shetty 


Healing, failing, & Healing Again

  Sl eeping, as you breath on my back  Your body bends to meet mine, now-nothing I lack Every curve slowly caresses my skin Emotions moving ...